How A2 Milk can solve your digestive issues?

  • If you have gastrointestinal issues after drinking cow’s milk, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are lactose intolerant.
  • It may be the A1 protein found in cow’s milk that’s causing the problem.
  • One way to test this is by trying a new version of cow’s milk called A2 milk that removes the A1 protein and can be easier to digest for some people.
  • If you are declared lactose intolerant then you should not consume milk.
  • But if you face some digestive issues after drinking milk like bloating, nausea, acidity etc. In that case you can start adding
    A2 milk in small quantities to you diet.
  • There are so many studies which show that A2 Milk is easy to digest and can help people who
    want to drink milk but they are unable to, because of the problems they face afterwards.
  • In our country, we are blessed to have a cattle which produce A2 Milk and we are
    ready to provide you Natural Fresh A2 Milk in its best form.

A1 vs A2

To know more about the researches and studies based on the A2 milk you can refer to these links: